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New Permanent Hours for our Orleans Food Pantry:

Tuesday - Friday: 7:00 am - 11:00 am

Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

About Us

What We Do

Giving Hope, a global impact nonprofit based in New Orleans, is dedicated to changing lives through love. Our mission is simple: to give glory to God and to promote human dignity. Through the tireless efforts of our staff, volunteers, and corporate partners, we feed, clothe, house, and provide fellowship to those in need, in our community and around the world.

"For I was hungry and you fed me. For I was thirsty and you gave me a drink. For I was a stranger and you invited me into your home. For I was naked and you clothed me. For I was sick and you cared for me. For I was in prison and you visited me."

- Matthew 25:35-36

Learn More
Our Impact



Total Number of Meals Served

New Orleans Food Pantries


Total Pounds of Groceries

Food Pantries


Total Value of Food Distributed

Food Pantries


Total Number of Hope Houses Established

Hope House


Total Number of Parishes Served

CityServe Greater New Orleans

Get Involved

Giving Hope is committed to coming to the aid of those in need. Our efforts reach people of all ages, in our communities and around the world. We believe that everyone deserves to live a healthy, happy life, and we work every day through a variety of endeavors to make this a reality for all.

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Our Sponsors

Fox 8


Petra Oil Company Inc

H2O Salon and Spa